Upon your arrival, The BANCROFT VIEWS property manager will have arranged for you to collect your keys and complete formalities at Metung Waters reception, or they will meet you on-site, and assist you to settle in to your apartment. Phone the manager 15 minutes or so before your expected arrival, which allows time to personally attend to you. Your apartment key can only be collected from the manager or Metung Waters reception. (Contact Phone number provided once booking is confirmed). For booking enquiries, the contact telephone is normally immediately answered during business hours, but may be unanswered between the hours of 6 pm and 9 am. Try a text message if the need is urgent.
CHECK-IN time is after 2PM and no later than 5PM, unless arranged with the property manager, at no inconvenience to them. PAYMENT methods may be by Mastercard, Visa, (either credit or debit cards), cheque by arrangement, and of course cash. (A credit card swipe may still be required for a cash payment, as damage surety).
CHECK-OUT time is prior to 10AM. Please return keys to the property manager, if present on-site at check-out, or drop them in to Metung Waters reception, or drop the keys into the key return box located under the stairs on south side of property. LATE check-out may be arranged with the property manager, but only if the property is not let for that evening. Luggage may be stored by arrangement with the property manager. Remember to have the property returned to the state you found it on arrival. Any washing up of dishes and cooking utensils, which is needed to be done after you have checked out, may be charged for.
CAR PARKING is at the front of the building, in the spaces allocated to guests and owners. If this is full, there is an in-lay across the road. Please note that only ONE car space is available per apartment booking. If your party has more than one car with them, please park diagonally opposite in the council provided spaces (plenty of room and no restrictions). Do not park on the lawn area of the neighbouring properties.
FITTINGS and APPLIANCES at Bancroft Views are regularly tested for working order and safety. If in the unfortunate event of a fault within the property, such as a water leak or an appliance failure, please contact the property manager immediately, if the need is urgent, or as soon as practical for non-critical issues. The manager will attempt to quickly remedy the problem. If the problem is beyond the manager's expertise, or the problem requires a trades person to attend, we will do everything possible to minimize the inconvenience to you, as our guest, until the problem can be remedied. In some cases, an appliance may need removal from the property to repair it, or outright replacement. Again, your inconvenience will be minimized.
The term "SELF CONTAINED" means that the apartments are fully equipped to deal with all of your holiday needs. Once you have occupied the apartment, that means that you are responsible for all of the daily upkeep. The property manager is NOT on call for your personal needs, unlike a hotel. Notwithstanding, the apartments will be serviced at between 5 and 7 days, for longer stays.
All accidental DAMAGE must be reported. We expect all fittings and appliances to be only used for their intended purpose. Guests are responsible for the cost of any damage to property or fittings arising from carelessness during their occupancy. The owners reserve the right to enforce a fair charge for unreasonable or malicious damage to the property or contents of the property.
Bancroft Views Apartments welcomes BOAT owners. We can allocate a jetty berth for you, but there are some limitations. Our jetty cannot berth boats longer than 30 feet (hull length), and note that other guests and owners' boats may also be occupying berths. There is however, generally plenty of space available, even in high season, when all apartments in the complex are occupied. Boats may not use the seaward end of the jetty as a mooring, but can temporarily come along side there. The property manager may assist by allocating the most suitable berth, depending on boat size, draft and maneuverability. Similar to the car parking, please be considerate of other boating guests during your boating activities. Remember also that the jetty area is a 5 knot zone, which extends well out into Bancroft Bay.
Our jetty is also a great place to throw a line. As our guest, you are most welcome to fish from the jetty (Make sure you have your fishing licence. The Fisheries Inspectors are rightly "on the ball".) The jetty is also a great place to observe the marine "nightlife" with lots of fascinating activity.
Bancroft Views Apartments are also responsible for attending to issues involved with the COMMON AREAS, such as pathways, lawns, jetty, rubbish collection, the foyer, parking, and general cleanliness and upkeep. Feel free to report any common area issues to the manager, or ask for assistance. The private beach and the lawn area, and the decking with the outdoor setting next to the jetty, may all be used by guests of all apartments.
Bancroft Views Apartments expects that you will have a wonderful holiday experience at our properties. We reckon we are a quiet little secret of Metung. Our best advertising is when our guests are generous in their praise about what a fabulous holiday they experienced, and how that holiday was enhanced by the ambience of the accommodation. We want you to have fun, relax, and enjoy, and RETURN another time.
Similarly, we want you to be considerate of our other guests, who are also here to have a great time. Unacceptable behaviour or annoyance, which is reported to the manager, may result in the embarrassing situation of being asked to tone down, or the need for termination of your accommodation, in the worst of cases. REMEMBER, WE SHARE THIS PROPERTY WITH OTHER HOLIDAYMAKERS, AND OFTEN THE OWNERS.
Bancroft Views Apartments are NON-SMOKING properties. Inside the apartments, and foyer, are SMOKE FREE.
However, as the owners are considerate of any smoking guests, ashtrays have been provided for use on the open air balcony and upper deck of Bancroft Views 1, the balcony of Bancroft Views 2, and the verandah of Bancroft Views 3. We know our guests will consider others, and only smoke in these areas. When emptying ashtrays, please wrap and dispose of butts directly into lined rubbish bins, as disposal in kitchen waste bins will cause odours.
Bancroft Views Apartments are PET FREE. Guests may occasionally see a dog around the property. This will probably belong to one of the owners.
The property has a jetty with a convenient FISH CLEANING TROUGH. Please USE it. It is provided for all guests of the complex, and indeed the owners religiously use it. Clean and gut your catch of the day ONLY at the jetty sink. The pelicans will appreciate it.
Bancroft Views will SERVICE your apartment at an interval between 5 and 7 days of occupancy, depending on the length of your stay. At this time, all linen (on beds which have been used), and all used towels and tea towels, will be replaced, and a full clean of the apartment interior will occur. The property manager will arrange this at a convenient time to minimize disruption to guests.
Bancroft Views Apartments do not provide TELEPHONE or INTERNET services. Strong signals from the major telco providers will assure mobile phone and wireless internet access.