Places in the Central Coast & Lake Macquarie region
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Heights
- Alison
- Avoca Beach
- Balcolyn
- Bateau Bay
- Belmont
- Belmont North
- Belmont South
- Bennetts Green
- Bensville
- Berkeley Vale
- Big Yengo
- Blackalls Park
- Blacksmiths
- Blackwall
- Blue Bay
- Blue Haven
- Bolton Point
- Bonnells Bay
- Booker Bay
- Booragul
- Bora Ridge
- Bouddi
- Box Head
- Brightwaters
- Bucketty
- Budgewoi
- Budgewoi Peninsula
- Buff Point
- Bungawalbin
- Bushells Ridge
- Calga
- Cams Wharf
- Caniaba
- Canton Beach
Accommodation in Central Coast & Lake Macquarie. Book holiday houses and apartments from Adamstown to Canton Beach.
from $187.00

Blue Bay, NSW
from $121.00

Buff Point, NSW
from $238.70

Blue Bay, NSW
from $396.00

Buff Point, NSW
from $110.00

Blue Bay, NSW
from $165.00

3 bedrooms
1 bath
6 guests
Blue Bay, NSW